Thursday, April 28, 2011

Life is Strange

Yesterday, 27 Apr 11, a very sweet woman who chose  to serve her country and worked just down the hall from me was gunned down in Kabul, Afghanistan by a despondent former pilot of the Afghan Air Force.  He was allegedly distressed because he was bankrupt.  She was in his country to help train the faltering Afghan military. She happened to be in the same area as he when he got into an argument with someone and blew a fuse.  His fuse blew so completely, that he just opened up with a weapon and killed the very people trying to bring his backwards military into the 21st century.

At the same time this is happening, another comrade in arms, a man I have known for more than twenty years is dying of cancer and there is no chance of even staving off that death even if he wanted to. He is "a man of infinite jest" and beloved by all that know him. The thought of this wonderful man wasting away in his bed is gut-wrenching to me.

When we were told to stand by for an announcement after the normal work day was to be done, I knew that we had a KIA or possibly Mr. A had passed away.  I was hoping it was the latter, not the former but that was not to be.

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